Monday, September 7, 2009

La familia!

So today we went for a walk in Triana, which was awesome but also really hot. Then we had lunch with the fam - mealtimes are definitely my favorite. I look forward to whatever awesome food Rocio has made for us - always something cool and different. However, even more I look forward to spending time with the family and observing their dynamic. The youngest, Bea, is absolutely hilarious (as are all 10 year olds), and she always says, "what's up, boss!" to her dad when he comes in. It's also funny observing kids arguing and making fun of eachother in Spanish. Also, today we were talking about Thanksgiving and explaining it to them - apparently in school they learn about how the Spanish explorers went to South America and conquered the Inca and Maya, etc. Que interesante.

Also, we were having lots of fun quoting movies - Rocio and Alfonsito clinked glasses and (in Spanish) did the line from Pirates - "take what you can, give nothing back!" It was super funny recognizing it. And then we were talking about Chocolat, and I could do it do - "I'm undone, but it's not my favorite!" .... "Estoy deshecho, sin embargo, no es mi favorito"

I just love living with a family. Not only is the experience comforting and homey, but also I'm learning so much more speaking with natives the entire time! It's such an advantage, plus I learn random words, slang, and I remember everything so much easier. Spanish word of the day - "retozar," or, "to frolick! to romp!" looooveeeeeeeeee it.

Well, that's about it for now! Off to dinner soon, then to a coffee/ice cream shop later. batidos = milkshakes. So if you're ever stuck in the desert and about to die, and your only wish is a milkshake but a Spaniard happens across you first, now you will know. batido.

hasta luego!

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